Ch 1: Lily Luna Potter


    Lily Luna Potter was a strange girl. She was short and very skinny. Not because she didn't get fed enough. her parents, Harry and Ginny Potter loved her very much-she simply grew that way. She had knee length, flaming red hair which was always messy, yet never tangled. She had brilliant green eyes, even though her two older brothers, James and Albus had brown because she was the only one of the children who had inherited their father's eyes. She wore a devil-wing necklace which she had gotten when she was nine.  Even stranger than this was that she liked to be called by her middle name, Luna Her mother often said she looked exactly like her grandmother, except for this next thing. The oddest thing about Lily Potter Jr is the crescent-moon scar on the left side of her neck.

By: Jaspreet Grewal


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